Friends and Family

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Christmas In May!

We got home this afternoon with a huge box in front of our door & of course Adam immediately started complaining that I ordered something. When I told him I wasn't expecting anything and the box had Baylor's name on it, then he started accusing Baylor of ordering stuff! haha We brought the box in and opened & just couldn't believe all the stuff. There was no return address & it was full of toys. 3 Nintendo DS games, a Wii game, lots of action figures, an Indiana Jones Monopoly game, spongebob tent, scrapbook stuff, puzzles, 2 large cars. Just all kinds of things like Christmas morning. Well we finally got to the bottom of the box & found a Kids Wish Network t-shirt. This is the network that is sending Baylor to DisneyWorld this summer. They also had all of our trip accomodations, tickets, complimentary dinner tickets & all kinds of other things. Plus a check for spending money! We couldn't believe it. Every time I talk with them, I just can't believe how generous they are & how lucky we are to have this stuff. I really wanted to bring some of the toys to needy children, but couldn't talk Baylor into it. Hopefully when he gets a little older, he'll become a better giver! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Faculty Baby Shower for Adeline

My faculty at school gave me a baby shower & we got lots of goodies. Clothes, a beautiful blanket, soaps, and diapers & wipes for months! We went to BJ's restaurant and celebrated while we ate & drank. It was a great time. I felt so special.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1st Grade Field Day

Baylor had field day at school where they just play a bunch of games and activities they learn in PE. I can't believe 1st grade is almost over!

Baylor's Favorite Book for Now (video)

Oh we heard Green Eggs & Ham at least once per day for about 3 weeks! He kept the book in the car so he could read it to me every day! Oh my!

Monday, May 4, 2009

26 Weeks

So here's my theory from the beginning. My stomach got big really fast but then maybe it will just hold steady for a while & not continue to get bigger at an alarming rate. The pictures from 23 weeks & 26 weeks look about the same. We shall stretch marks, no stretch marks......!

Baylor's YoYo Career (with video)!

So a professional yo-yo guy came to Baylor's school & he wanted a yo-yo. Of course, I got him one knowing full well that it would end up in the bottom of his toy box with everything else. Well, to our surprise, he plays with it every day. He's gotten really good. He even wears through string & it took me forever to figure out where to buy new yo-yo string! See him in action