Friends and Family

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I Come in Pieces!

Baylor has been playing swords/aliens/war this morning. We keep hearing him say "Fear not, I come in pieces!" Instead of "I come in peace". We were cracking up. My friend Melissa came over just a minute ago, so when she left, she gave him the peace sign and said "peace out". Baylor replied again with "I come in pieces"! Hee hee!

Monday, May 17, 2010

9 Months

Katie's Wedding May 2010

We went to Katie's wedding this weekend in Lake Charles. Sure do miss Lake Charles!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grandmas Make Kids Rotten

So my son, who we try not to spoil, gets in the car today, and this is how the conversation goes down.
Baylor: Can I get a new nerf cover for my DSi game?
Me: Sure. Do you have enough $ saved up?
Baylor: (thoughtful for a minute) Do you know why I like going to visit Nana Perky? Because she always buys me DS stuff even though it was just Christmas. She just says,Do you want to go to the store and buy something?

Thanks a lot, Nana! :)