Friends and Family

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Adeline's Thank You

This was Adeline's thank you from her birthday. I made them & had them printed. It was so cute!

Too Cute

A New Word!

Adeline learned "uh oh" today. Finally she's saying something I can understand. And she makes a funny face when she says it! And, equally important,she got a new jingly Halloween bracelet that she loves! Haha
And right now while I'm posting this video and watching it, she can hear it so she's walking around saying "uh-oh, uh-oh"!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Old Friends

We had a fabulous weekend with some of our very best friends that we haven't seen in two years! I can't believe we let the time go like that. How does that happen? And then you vow to not do it again & life happens. Thankfully, these are the kind of friends that are old enough and dear enough to pick back up like we just saw each other yesterday! Love you Dannas!!

Love is..Not letting Your Spouse Forget Things

You won't hear that in the scripture, but it's so true. Adam packs all of my crap in the car for me every morning. Rolling case, laptop, school bag, lunch, purse because he knows I would forget my head if it weren't on my neck! The one day he didn't pack this stuff, I went to work without my purse! I love him!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Baylor's New Song

Baylor can now play a bit of Tuesday's Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Here it is....