Friends and Family

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween! We went to Kegan's birthday during the day and then went with all of our friends from Lake Charles (that also moved to League City) on the annual hay ride around the neighborhood. It was lots of fun and nice to see everyone. Adeline was a forest fairy and Baylor was Ghostrider.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Party

4th Annual Pumpkin carving was lots of fun!! E.T. and Elmo are my pumpkins, Melissa's is Mad Hatter, Adam did the Michael Myers, Susan & Skylar carved the pony, Thomas carved the wolf,Mike carved the cat, and Baylor carved the jack-o-lantern. They all turned out awesome.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Baylor's Bone Marrow Biopsy

We are spending the day at the hospital today for another bone marrow biopsy. Baylor's blood work looked good when we got there, though. The last time we spent the day at the hospital like this, Adeline was a baby. Now she's all over the place so I was worried about her behaving. She and Baylor are so totally different. She has already met everyone, and she just goes and sits at the little craft tables they have set up and waves to the kids! Baylor, on the other hand, hasn't left his chair in the waiting room and managed to squeeze out only one word to ONE nurse out of all the ones that talked to him.
Everything went well, and we got to go home around 12:15. Sometimes he wakes up from anesthesia really mad and screaming ludicrous things. Well, today I stayed out with Adeline and Adam went to recovery to get Baylor. He said today was bad and he thinks Baylor said the f word, but he knows for sure that Baylor called him a stupid bitch and a little shit (which is what Adam calls him)! We were trying so hard not to laugh in front of the nurse! In recovery, you're in a room with other patients, nurses & parents. Also, baylor asked Adam if he farted (very loudly)and when Adam told him no and to be quiet, he said Baylor started yelling "You farted"!
I'm laughing so hard while typing as Adam's telling me that I couldn't finish typing this post. We decided it's a good thing Adam and I don't go back to recovery together because we get the giggles and no one else back there thinks it's funny!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Soccer Time

Baylor decided he wanted to play soccer this year. It's going very well. He's a great soccer player. We're so proud!! He loves playing. Adeline is even learning to kick the ball around. It's very cute but hard to keep her off the field during the games!

Halloween Hopefuls

I love this time of year. We're spending more and more time outside, and we have our 4th annual pumpkin carving party. Baylor chose to be Ghostrider this year. His costumes are never very fun, but Adeline...oh there's the fun! The plan now is for her to be a woodsy fairy. I'm making her an autumn colored tulle dress with brown woodsy fairy wings. Sooo cute!! Let's hope I get it made on time. Halloween pictures to come! This picture, of course, is not Adeline, but it's a picture of the costume goal!

House for Sale!

Finally got the house on the market! It priced better than I thought. We're very excited.