Friends and Family

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bossy Much?

She's demanding that Baylor give her more snack & saying "Baylor Janese"!

Thanksgiving Week

We had a great Thanksgiving this year! I love spending Thanksgiving at the deer lease (thanks dad).  The kids get to have their taste of country, the boys get to shoot things, we get a year's worth of deer meat, & it's a few stress free days.  I especially loved this year with our simple Thanksgiving meal with no bread, no sweets, no stuffed bellies afterwards, no TV with football, no STRESS!  We did indulge on all kinds of chocolate, fudge & other crap from Bucee's on the way home, but as my sister-in-law Sarah pointed out, we would've done that anyway, so it's good we didn't indulge the day before as well! Good point. 
I didn't list out all the things I'm thankful for because they still haven't changed.  My husband, my kids, my family, everyone being healthy, etc.  Maybe the only thing to add is our new family at Crossfit Bay Area!  I love the way Crossfit & new eating habits have changed us & mad
e us want to be better & healthier.  It really is like a family where we crossfit & we love it, the kids love playing around up there, and we've made great new friends!