Well, I did go back to Crossfit after baby. I went back at 6 weeks. And, it's been 6 weeks since I started back. And let me admit right now, it is not easy! As a matter fact, it's harder than I ever imagined it would be. I continued crossfitting while I was pregnant, after all!! Shouldn't this be a breeze? That was my intention. Going back post baby has been very humbling. I will go as far as to say that it hurt my pride. Beginners are doing way better than I am! I refuse to say to people, or myself, that "I just had a baby". I'm not going to lie, though, I love when other people say it for me. That way I feel like I have an excuse for this body that does not look or work the way I want it to!
Nothing feels right in the gym. Things I was really good at before now feel foreign. My form is off, the weights are heavy, and my endurance is shot. I don't know at what point it will feel better, but it will feel better. I'm sure of that. So what's with the bitch-fest? Surely you're asking yourself that. Why am I still going to crossfit if it's so horrible? There are a couple of reasons I'm still going. Number one, I remember how much I loved it before. Two, I am an example to my family. Three, my wonderful, encouraging husband is keeping me going. He's being so supportive and offering to keep the baby. Or he comes with me and tells me how awesome I'm doing. And last, I couldn't be in a better crossfit gym. It's full of supportive friends, other mommies who are rocking it, and great coaches. I've talked about
Crossfit Bay Area many times on this blog, but I appreciate our crossfit community now more than ever. They have always been accepting of families with children, and now their support of all the new crossfit babies has been overwhelming. How can a new mommy not appreciate members who will hold babies, coaches who will find pacis, wear babies, and rock carseats during WODs!
This is truly a gym family in every sense. To everyone who has been helpful along the way, this mommy is so appreciative!

Coach Troy holding Ollie & snapping a selfie!
Ollie's front row seat to Mommy's workout!
And other CFBA babies, members, and coaches...