Friends and Family

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday's Drive Home from School

I may have said this before, but Baylor knows when he is telling me a story about other people or repeating what others say, he can say the bad word. So once he learned that, he does his best to remember all such stories so he can repeat them to me!
Me: How was school?
B: Daddy was freakin out this morning because you almost left with the car seat.
Me: Yeah I know. How was school?
B (in a very grown up tone): He said "oh shit, the damn car seat".
Me (laughing):Baylor, you can't say that.
B: What? That's what he said, the damn car seat (talking just like Adam)!
Me: sigh.......


Our Cunningham Crew said...

LOL! I can't wait for that phase to begin! I can impagine how cute he was saying it too:)

Danielle Derouen said...

Ha ha ha!!!