Friends and Family

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Adeline Quotes

1. "Mom, we don't like this damn food" (sitting at the dinner table with the family)
2. "I love the babysitter. Can you call her on the writing and tell her?" (meaning can I text her)
3.  (crying) "mom, you make me afraid right now" (after I got on to her because she was not listening)

This is such a fun, loving age.  She tells us constantly how much she loves us and stops to say I love you, and how great her family is!  Maybe it's because she's a girl, but I don't remember this with Baylor. She was also so appreciative of all of her Christmas gifts & said they were all the best!  I'm sure I'm leaving out a ton, but that's what I get for waiting so long to update the blog.

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