Side note here... I was supposed to be on this medication the whole pregnancy because we had a clot scare in month 2, but it was costing me $200 a week, so I got off of it. Anyway, said my prayers last night that God would provide for these next 4 months & we would make it through financially & it all worked out. Someone from my insurance company did some research for me this morning and found out that my copay for these meds is $200 PER FILL, whether the fill is a 5 day, 30 day, or 90 day!! So the previous pharmacy was only filling for 5 days and charging the $200 each time & no one bothered to figure that out the first two times I called the insurance company. Can you imagine if I would have stayed on the medication all this time at that rate? I'd be like $5000 in! And someone would be getting hurt right now-just kidding. Cover your butts people, you have to look out for yourself and your family because no one is going to bother to do it for you anymore. It's sad.
Back to my beach vacation... we just arrived back and are going to make the most of the next couple of days, clots be damned!
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