Friends and Family

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Adam!

How can I let the month go by without mentioning this? Happy Birthday to the most fantastic guy.  Oh, I'm married to a great person, too, you say?  Well, really guys, I know in this age of Facebook , everyone is all about their spouses in their posts "My husband is great", "I love my spouse!", "Look at these fabulous flowers I got from my husband for no reason other than I'm awesome", blah, blah.  But, seriously, Adam Janese, you are the greatest man I could ask for.  There is never a dull moment in our house or our life.  You are fair and kind to everyone. You are a great son & husband, and, of course, the most fantastic dad.  People expect great things out of you, and you never let them down! Our life together grows & gets better every year, and I don't think everyone can say that. You make me laugh, you make me happy, and you make me better. Happy, happy birthday!

Oh, and in addition to a super, fun night of listening to Spazmatics, we were joined by lots of great, new friends for Adam's birthday this year.  Love our Crossfit family!

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